Cultural Resource Specialist - On Call


Established in 1999, Transcon Environmental, Inc., offers environmental consulting services throughout the western United States with offices in Arizona, California, and Utah.  Our highly successful team of environmental planners, biologists and archaeologists provides environmental planning, permitting, and compliance as well as infrastructure siting, environmental construction management and monitoring.  Our company philosophy is, * Understand and Serve.*  




We are seeking a part-time archaeologist for intermittent assignments.  Primary duties include conducting CHRIS records searches (in Sacramento, Santa Rosa, and Turlock), and writing short risk assessment reports.  Occasional field work will be required, such as assessing specified location(s) for cultural resources and monitoring cultural resources during utility operation and maintenance activities.  Work will include both one-day and multiple-day assignments.  






* Undergraduate or graduate degree in archaeology, or closely related field 


* Proficiency in California prehistoric or historic archaeology 


* At least one year full-time professional experience in archaeological research


or cultural resource management 


* Proficiency with sub-meter GPS


* Personal vehicle, excellent navigational skills and a good driving record 


* Ability to perform work duties independently with short deadlines


* Motivated, thorough, accurate, dependable and trustworthy






* Experience driving a four-wheeled vehicle off-road or in rough terrain


* Familiarity with typical electrical utility operations and maintenance activities


* Experience working around heavy machinery and communicating with maintenance crews




This position is part-time, hourly, non-exempt, and not eligible for full benefits.  When overtime work is required, required, employee will be compensated with overtime pay in accordance with California law.  On one-day work assignments, employee will be reimbursed for mileage driven to and from field locations.  On multiple day assignments, employee will be reimbursed for meals and lodging in addition to mileage.  We anticipate that employment will begin in June 2016.






Send the following to Heather Duncan, Human Resources Manager, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  hduncan - at-


* one-page cover letter (mention any archaeological permits you may hold)


* resume


* three references (include a supervisor and a co-worker)


GIS Specialist
Archaeological Field Technician, SWCA, Pasadena

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