A beloved family story recounted by my Grandmother about the events from one cold December day in 1932. The three children mentioned were the first of what would be thirteen children she raised. TL;DR: Your small actions can have a life long positive impact you never know about on another person. Be kind, Be gracious, Be thankful. ~R. Joe The Stranger's Gift Genevieve Brandon, Sterling, Illinois The December day was bleak, just as every day from mid-September on had been that cheerless winter of 1932. The cold weather had settled in early, wiping out the fall crop of vegetables. Over our small village in northwestern Illinois, as over all the nation, there hung an aura of quiet desperation. These were the deepest, darkest days of the Depression. With so many people out of work, there seemed to be little to look forward to this holiday season. My husband and I huddled close to the...