What is the #1 job Brits daydream about giving up their 9-5 for?

You guessed the obvious (considering the source ;-) folks! That is right, Archaeology!  Yep - 24% of Brits sampled in a 2,000 person survey listed Archaeology as the number one job they daydream about giving up their regular 9-5 job (you know, the ones with benefits, insurance, vacation, and co-workers with a slightly above average sense of acceptable hygiene). And of this sample one in four women surveyed choose archaeology as their number one choice of new profession.  But...you know what the #2 and #3 jobs were? Treasure Hunter (21%) and Adventurer (21%). Somehow I think these people surveyed might have a slightly distorted idea of what these "jobs" entail...and is "Adventurer" really even a job? The survey did find that in this sample set people spent about 12 minutes a day fantasizing about a different career. It also found that four in ten have also looked into moving out of Britain to find a different...
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