X-ray of time capsule
The (modern) public is getting its first glimpse inside a time capsule dating to 1795 and believed placed by Samuel Adams and other Revolutionary War figures that will be opened live on Monday at 6pm and go on display Tuesday evening at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.
Note the meter sticks :-) This picture is in a lot of news articles, but it is actually the tomb of Princess Shert Nebti in Abu Sir,
south of Cairo, dating from around 2,500 BC and discovered in 2012
Waffen SS helmet found by Sulzer's crew.
Austrian Filmaker Andreas Sulzer reports that he is close to exposing the largest secret weapons facility built by the Nazi's during WWII using slave labor from the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp. But according to reports other than having Historian Rainer Karlsch on as an advisor there is no indication that he is using a professional Archaeologists to conduct these investigations. As a result Austrian authorities have shut down his excavation pending further permitting. However Sulzer states that he believes they will be back excavating again in only a few weeks...
January 1st, 2015
Today is the 1st page of a new 365 page book that only you can write. Others might annotate it, but only you hold the pen that fills your pages. Behind you are the closed and bound volumes of years past that fill the shelves of the Library Of Your Life. Don't spend another year aimlessly flipping through those worn and tattered old books on your shelves wasting your days with "...if only...", "...why didn't I?" and "I wish I would have started this then...".
Hester Davis passed away this morning. More to follow.
Hester was a keystone in building the program at Arkansas where I eventually got my masters and where ShovelBums was born. It's a small field and we are interconnected in myriads ways. Never forget that. We all impact each other at some point. Make your impact positive for those who follow like Hester did.
On December 29, 1890 alongside Wounded Knee Creek on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota the US 7th Cavalry Regiment. The Lakota were following Chief Spotted Elk of the Miniconjou Lakota nation who had been called to the Pine Ridge Agency. The 7th Cavalry Regiment had met them part way and escorted the Lakota to Wounded Knee Creek to make camp. After reinforcements for the 7th cavalry arrived they encircled the Lakota and placed 4 rapid-fire Hotchkiss-designed M1875 Mountain Guns around the perimeter. After making camp the cavalry began to disarm the Lakota and while accounts vary as to the circumstances it is agreed that a gun was discharged and over the next half hour 150-300 Lakota men, women and children were killed including Chief Spotted Elk.
Chief Spotted Elk (Lakota: Uŋpȟáŋ Glešká)
This has nothing to do with archaeology. It was just one of the best concerts I have got to see.
View the original Post by Alejandro Escovedo.
Kristy and I don't get out to see live music much but I was excited to see my favorite still undiscovered by pop culture artist Alejandro Escovedo earlier this year.
Sometimes you just need a fun five minute break. Sit back, relax, and enjoy "Raiders Of The Lost Bark"!
You can visit the movie website here: http://www.indianabonesmovie.com or watch it below.
{Please Share} These blokes have been working at this for more than a year to get enough votes for this great idea for a dig in honor of Mick Aston. I think it's time we lend them a hand. Please follow the link at the bottom and vote.
Mick Aston sadly passed away on 24th June 2013, He featured in 19 out of 20 Series of the popular programme Time Team.