Archaeological Field Supervisor: northern Virginia




Archaeological Field Supervisor Needed


Versar, Inc., a global project management company based in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, seeks a supervisory archaeologist for archaeological construction monitoring in Northern Virginia.  The project will consist of monitoring mechanical excavation and recording any significant materials that are uncovered, preparation of brief daily summaries, and completion of a technical report of the findings.  Work is expected to start in June 2016 and last for 4 to 6 weeks.  The work is local to Fairfax County, VA, and compensation includes mileage. This position is temporary and the hourly pay rate is competitive.


Candidate Qualifications:

·         M.A. degree in anthropology or closely related field is required

·         completion of an accredited field school 


For consideration, please submit via email a curriculum vitae and three references with contact information to Brian Crane (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).




Brian Crane, Ph.D.

New Versar Logo

6850 Versar Center

Springfield, VA 22151


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