HRA Inc. Supervisory Archaeologist Needed Nevada and Utah


Subject: HRA Inc. Supervisory Archaeologist Needed Nevada and Utah 

HRA Inc., Conservation Archaeology is currently seeking a Supervisory Archaeologist to work throughout Nevada and Utah from our Las Vegas, Nevada office. Duties and responsibilities will include supervising archaeological surveys, recording and evaluating archaeological sites, and preparing survey and site reports that meet State and Federal standards. Candidates should be experienced with operating GPS units and working with GIS. The ideal candidate would also have experience with historical archaeology and excavation projects. 
The candidate must be able to work in remote locations and hike over steep terrain. Some camping may also be required, and a clean driving record is essential. Requirements include:
·         Master’s degree in Anthropology or closely related field;
·         2+ years of archaeology consulting or agency experience in the Great Basin;
·         Proficiency with technical writing and GIS 
If interested, please send a resume and a cover letter that includes salary requirements to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Heidi - at
Keith - at -

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