LA Division of Archaeology position


The Louisiana Division of Archaeology is seeking applicants for a Job Appointment position in our Baton Rouge, Louisiana, office.  The position description and required skills and knowledge are outlined below.  This is a four year classified position with health insurance, vacation/sick leave, and retirement. The salary range is equal to the LA Civil Service Job Level TS305 ($ 24,378 – 48,568). Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience. 

A B.A. in anthropology, architectural history, historic preservation, or a closely related field is required. M.A. or M.S. degrees are encouraged to apply . Field experience in archaeology or historic preservation is desirable, as is experience with the Section 106 process.  Please provide a resume and cover letter. These are not required for the state application but are helpful additional documents. This position does not include fieldwork.

The primary responsibilities of this position are:

·         Maintain multiple databases associated with Section 106 correspondence, archaeological reports, and agreement documents.

·         Request additional information from agencies, companies and cultural resource contractors for insufficient submissions.

·         Assess incoming Section 106 correspondence for potential impacts to historic properties.

·         Scanning and filing correspondence.

Required skills and abilities:

·         Familiarity with archaeological field methods or architectural history.

·         Working knowledge of Microsoft Office including Excel, Access, and Word.

·         Ability to communicate clearly and accurately via phone, email, letter, and in person about our office’s policies and procedures.

 Desired skills and abilities:

·         Archaeological or historic preservation field experience.

·         Knowledge of ArcView 10.4 or earlier version of GIS software (ESRI product preferred).             

·         Knowledge of the Section 106 process.

Please apply directly online through "LA Careers" via the Civil Service website at by 11:59 p.m. on April 26, 2016. 

If you do not have access to a computer to apply directly online, you may submit a hard copy of the revised Civil Service application to the Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism, Human Resources, P.O. Box 94361, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9361 or FAX to 225-342-7928 by 11:59 p.m. on April 26, 2016. 

SF-10(s) and Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of the "revised" application. Hard copy applications MUST include the job title (Archaeologist 1), job number (CRT-2016-80611-RC), completed supplemental questions (if applicable), and be received by 11:59 p.m. on April 26, 2016 if you wish to be considered for this opening. Hard copy applications without the required information listed above will automatically disqualify you from consideration.



Chip McGimsey, RPA

State Archaeologist

Office of Cultural Development

Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism

PO Box 44247

Baton Rouge, LA 70804

225-219-4598 (office)

225-454-9274 (cell)



Posted by: Chip McGimsey <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
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