Project Manager/Principal Investigator, Ann Arbor, Michigan


Open Position �⒠� Project Manager/Principal Investigator, Ann Arbor, Michigan


Commonwealth Heritage Group desires to fill the position of Archaeological Project Manager/Principal Investigator.  The position will be located in our Ann Arbor, Michigan, corporate headquarters.  This is a senior-level Project Manager/Principal Investigator position that requires experience in conducting Phase I surveys, Phase II evaluations, and Phase III data recoveries.  Extensive experience in CRM project management is required.  The ideal candidate will have a minimum of a M.A. (Ph.D. preferred) in anthropology/archaeology, or related field, with a specialization in prehistoric or historical archaeology.  


This position will be responsible for the management of multiple and/or multi-disciplinary CRM projects and is involved in the development, maintenance, and management of markets and clients. This position requires expert knowledge of the Section 106 and NEPA process, and the ability to prepare well organized, thorough CRM documents is essential. Experience with pipeline projects and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission CRM procedure is essential. Knowledge of computers and GPS equipment is critical, and knowledge of GIS is a plus.  Areas of analytical expertise are open, but demonstrated ability to conduct artifact analyses and write key sections of reports (methods, results, artifact analyses) is a must.  


Salary range for this position is competitive and dependent on experience with opportunities for advancement and higher salary; we seek a candidate who wishes to grow within the company.   Commonwealth offers an excellent range of benefits (health, dental, life, and disability insurance, 401(k) with employer contribution, paid leave, etc.).  Commonwealth is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.  Send letters of interest, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and a list of three professional references with contact information to, preferably by email:


Andrew J. Weir


Commonwealth Heritage Group, Inc.

320 Miller Ave., Suite 145, Ann Arbor, MI 48103

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ajweir -at -



Technicians Needed Arkansas
Entry level Archeologists

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