San Diego County Temporary Field Technician Positions Available


San Diego County� Temporary� Field� Technician Positions Available� 

ASM Affiliates, Inc.

ASM Affiliates, Inc. (ASM) is an SBE-certified cultural resource management (CRM) firm with more than 35 years of experience providing environmental regulatory compliance services for federal agencies and private sector clients throughout the west. ASM employs a large number of highly qualified archaeologists, historians, architectural historians, GIS specialists, cultural anthropologists, ethnographers, technical specialists, and administrative staff in a dynamic workplace environment. ASM is always searching for motivated cultural resource professionals to be a part of our team to operate at various levels and capacities.


ASM Affiliates is currently seeking qualified field technicians for various ongoing projects in San Diego County.�  Upcoming projects may also potentially occur in Imperial, Riverside, and Orange counties as well.�  Hiring will occur on an as-needed basis per individual project until fully staffed.�  

*The current� projected� workload� consists primarily of� local non-per diem� jobs. � The majority of the work will� entail� daily� commuting to� and from� job sites throughout� San Diego County, California� with the occasional short duration project in adjacent counties� (such as Imperial, Orange, Riverside, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino).

Field Staff/Monitors/Technician Qualifications

- Bachelor�⒠�s degree or higher in Archaeology/Anthropology
- Archaeological field school or equivalent field work experience
- Be willing to work in and adapt to a variety of environments� and� challenging field conditions
- Excellent writing and communication skills

Work duties will be performed outdoors and may occasionally be located in remote backcountry environments. Duties may require hiking over long distances,� standing� for long durations,� and� the� lifting and� transport of� loads up to 25 lbs.

For employment inquiries please send a cover letter indicating which position(s) you would like to be considered for, preferred work locale or branch service area, current CV, two references and contact information to:�  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ASM is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Senior Archaeologist/Project Manager - Tempe, AZ
Field Technicians/Archaeologists- On Call

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