Hey folks! Now isn’t that a kick-ass presumptuous subject for a post! 😂 😂 😂 (<— Since I am quite NRHP eligible I can use whatever outdated emoji I want ;-) But like every clickbait worthy POS article online only after you are lured into opening it do you see the full title. "The state of Archaeology, CRM, Architectural History… in the age of Covid, via my incredibly siloed view of the profession(s) through ShovelBums. Plus, the Mark of the Beast bodes a good omen for us!" Bonus Material: My Kevin Bacon Number. I put Architectural History in the title only because that always catches peoples eyes and makes them think it must be interesting because none of us really know what they do. I mean we all know the Architectural Historians write prodigiously, they can talk eloquently about a shocking number of subjects beyond their job title, and they always give that...