Archaeological Lab Director - AZTEC Engineering - Phoenix, AZ (1 opening)

      We are currently seeking resumes from qualified Lab Directors for our Arizona office. The role will be to m anage the archaeological lab and staff.   Duties: Check-in artifact bags and review field forms for completeness Direct artifact processing and analysis Overall organization and maintenance of lab (including field and lab equipment) Perform quality assurance on work conducted by lab staff Prepare databases to track artifacts during processing, analysis, and project closeout Submit artifact samples for special analyses Prepare and submit collections for curation Write portions of archaeological reports Coordinate with field supervisors and archaeologists regarding project resources   Working Conditions and Environment: Will need the ability to establish rapport quickly with others working on the same project, and be able to promote a positive team environment.   A working knowledge of dealing with a diverse population while using tact, diplomacy, and respect.   Company Overview : AZTEC Engineering Group, Inc. (AZTEC)...
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6216 Hits

Hiring a Project Director in North Dakota

  Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc., an employee-owned provider of cultural resource management consulting services, is looking for an experienced archaeological project director to work out of our Bismarck, ND office. This position is salaried, full-time, and eligible for all company benefits.  Project management experience is a must for this position. Applicants must have: A Master’s degree in Anthropology 5+ years experience conducting archaeological investigations 3+ years of field supervisory experience Sufficient writing skills to create reports for agency submission The full list of qualifications can be found on the job posting on our  website . Projects may be located in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, or adjacent states and include all phases of archaeological work (including survey, testing, and data recovery). Projects may require extended field time, typically on a 9 days on, 5 days off schedule, although schedules will vary from project to project. During such projects, hotel lodgings are paid directly by the...
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5719 Hits

Wanted: Cultural Resource Senior Field Technician for the USFS Bridgeport Ranger District

    The Great Basin Institute, a Reno-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is hiring one Senior Field Technician, to focus on cultural resource survey and preparation of site records. Field and office work will be focused on Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest managed lands primarily within the Bridgeport and Carson Ranger Districts related to the Four Mile Hill and Rough Creek Landscape Habitat Improvement Project. In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), cultural resource investigation must be completed to evaluate effects to historic and prehistoric sites on federally managed lands. As such, the Technicians will assist with site forms; collecting and cataloging field data; simple trowel or shovel tests; as well as coding sheets, slides, photographs, and narrative data to ensure that field data relationships are catalogued, maintained, and entered into appropriate databases. All new sites will be documented on site records, photographed, mapped and illustrated as needed. Previously recorded sites will have...
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5424 Hits

ShovelBums 17th Anniversary ...It was a dark and stormy night... No, wait. That is not right.  It was a dark, but not stormy night, around 4AM April 25th 1999 when R. Joe was in his office in Ozark Hall at the University of Arkansas avoiding writing a final paper for Sabo's Environmental Archaeology class. After doing some, errr, research on a site Ryan had told him about he realized he needed to find another outlet to waste time to give his brain proper time to digest the nuances of his class notes. Inspired by how well an extended family mailing list he had set up recently was doing and remembering the axiom "Archaeologists are kind of technically slow and lazy" R. Joe decided to set up a little mailing list to help people find jobs in CRM and Archaeology. With no-one to talk to R. Joe typed in, and erased, a number of list "name" ideas...
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5789 Hits

Archaeology Technician for BLM in Battle Mountain, NV

    Working collaboratively with BLM Battle Mountain District, the Great Basin Institute is recruiting one of four AmeriCorps members to serve as Archaeology Technicians to support a variety of activities relating to the Battle Mountain cultural resources database and field survey workload targets. Specific tasks include: (1) Perform NHPA Section 106 inventories for in-house projects, i.e. Fuels and vegetation treatment projects, grazing permit renewals, gravel pits, spring ex-closures, etc.; (2) Write reports and sites forms in compliance with the latest edition of the Guidelines and Standards for Archaeological Inventory; (3) Maintain and update the GIS database, shape files will be submitted to NVSHPO for inclusion into NVCRIS, as needed; (4) Maintain and update the cultural paper files as needed.   Compensation and Timeline: �  �⒠� Living allowance: $11,390 �⒠� Education Award*: $2,865 �⒠� Housing stipend: $75.00/week �⒠� Field camping � per diem �⒠� Health insurance �⒠� Student loan forbearance   * AmeriCorps Education Award may...
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8134 Hits

Honolulu - Archaeological Field Technician [1 Attachment]

·         Job Title: Archaeological Field Technician ·         Company  Name: SWCA Environmental Consultants ·         Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, United States, 96813     About the opportunity: Do you thrive in the pursuit of ensuring excellence in environmental consulting services for your clients? SWCA Environmental Consultants is expanding their team and looking for dynamic individuals who are following their passion in delivering the highest-quality project work. Our Pacific Islands office offers a unique work environment and specializes in natural and cultural resource management, environmental planning, and regulatory compliance. We are seeking on-call Archaeological Field Technicians for work throughout the Hawaiian Islands. These positions are temporary, and work is dependent on project needs. What you will accomplish: Conduct archaeological fieldwork including monitoring, survey, testing, and data recovery. Assist with mapping responsibilities in the field, including collection of GPS data using Trimble units.   Experience and qualifications for success:   A Bachelor's Degree in...
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7878 Hits

is turning 17!, Prince Tribute Drink, Jobs, and Field Schools [1 Attachment]

ShovelBums is turning 17? That is crazy!   In this issue: A ShovelBums Tribute Drink to Prince, "Purple Rain", An update on Minnesota History Center’s display of the Purple Rain coat (tomorrow!) , over 165 field schools and all the jobs in the last week.    Please share or post a link to the Newsletter at  or to  to let people know there is updated information out there.   Now go and Party Like It Is 1999 and have a great, and safe, weekend folks!   Best,   R. Joe  
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6237 Hits

Vacancy Announcement - Heritage Technician (Archaological Technician) (Term) - Presidio of San Francisco [1 Attachment]

        Heritage Technician (Archaeological Technician) (Term)   The Presidio Trust is seeking a Heritage Technician who is interested in discovering and sharing California history first hand.    Spanning 1,500 acres in a spectacular setting at the Golden Gate, the Presidio has long played a central role in the development of the American West. It guarded the city�⒠�s great bay throughout two centuries of growth and development, and grew in importance as a command center for the military. Over many decades, each era added its mark to the landscape and culture of the Main Post, leaving layer after layer of architectural and archaeological history�⒠�each providing a reflection of its own time, sometimes obscuring earlier ones.   As a Heritage Technician, you support the Presidio Heritage Program in developing an array of sites and experiences that offer immersive, informative, and emotionally rich encounters that connect visitors to the park and invite them to become...
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7463 Hits

Field Archeologists

  Field Archeologists – NEW MEXICO     R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc. announces openings for field archeologists for projects in southern New Mexico. These are salaried, temporary positions. Upon completion of this project, and based on merit and pending work load, full-time permanent positions may be offered to successful applicants. Future work will potentially be throughout New Mexico and the Greater Southwest U.S. Travel, sometimes for extended periods, may be required. Such positions include paid holidays; health and dental insurance; annual leave; and 401(k) program.  Salary is competitive and commensurate with educational and professional experience.   1. Minimum requirements for all applicants are: a. completion of (1) a B.A. or B.S. degree in Anthropology from an accredited university and (2) a university—accredited field school. Prior experience in the Southwest is required. Experience in southern New Mexico is preferred, recent work at White Sands Missile Range is desirable. Three references are required of all...
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7108 Hits

Supervisory Archaeologist - Boise, ID

  SUPERVISORY ARCHAEOLOGIST   Logan Simpson, a growing environmental planning, cultural resources, and landscape architectural design firm, currently seeks a full-time Supervisory Archaeologist to work remotely in Boise, Idaho, reporting to our Salt Lake City, Utah office.   Qualifications include possessing or the ability to obtain current permits with a variety of public land managing agencies, with emphasis on Oregon and Idaho. Duties and responsibilities include demonstrable expertise supervising all aspects of cultural resources survey, site recording and evaluations, and archaeological testing and data recovery. Candidates should be familiar with the completion of survey and excavation forms, operating GPS units with a data recorder, and conducting quality control/quality assurance reviews of data. The ideal candidate will possess knowledge of federal cultural resources regulations, the ability to coordinate and communicate with agencies and clients, and manage budgets and schedules.    Capability of supervising cultural resources survey and other archaeological projects in remote locations and over steep...
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7325 Hits

mid-level Cultural Resources Specialist - CA

          •Job Title:                   Cultural Resources Specialist •Company  Name:        SWCA Environmental Consultants                   •Location:                    Pasadena, California, United States, 91105       About the opportunity: SWCA has an exciting opportunity for a mid-level Cultural Resources Specialist who will work with an important utility client and report to our cultural resources team in Pasadena, California. Selected candidates should live or be able to easily commute to the San Gabriel Valley, California.  What you will accomplish: Support CPUC license and/or Operations and Maintenance programs (Grid Reliability, Deteriorated Poles) Provide technical support and monitoring/ surveying services for archaeological resources Conduct background research and maintain a moderate level of knowledge of subject matter Provide support on field surveys, report writing and monitoring efforts Perform specialist studies as needed Perform as an archaeologist, surveyor, monitor, or analyst as needed Writes technical reports Maintains SWCA's high standard of scientific ethics and quality assurance, and is motivated to identify and...
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5888 Hits

Archaeologist - CA

          •Job Title:                        Archaeologist •Company  Name:            SWCA Environmental Consultants                 •Location:                         Barstow, California, United States, 92311        About the opportunity: SWCA Environmental Consultants is seeking a qualified Archaeologist to work on a special project working with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) throughout the territory encompassed by the BLM's Desert District. The project is expected to last at least one year, and will possibly be expanded depending on performance evaluation by the BLM. The selected individual will be based out of the BLM Barstow Field Office and will be provided with a 4 WD vehicle and the necessary equipment such as a GPS unit, safety gear, camera, etc. Housing and living expenses are the responsibility of the candidate, and residency in the city of Barstow or nearby is required. The highest quality project work is expected for this important client.  What you will accomplish: Oversee and/or perform all aspects of...
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6266 Hits

Environmental Consulting Office Director - San Antonio

  •Job Title:                     Environmental Consulting Office Director •Company  Name:         SWCA Environmental Consulting                       •Location:                      San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78249         SWCA Environmental Consultants is seeking applicants who are interested in leading the environmental services, business development and financial needs of our busy San Antonio office . The selected candidate will be responsible for the financial performance of the office, expanding our current market services and providing leadership to the office staff. The individual will also expand SWCA's professional reputation in natural and cultural resource consulting by providing assistance on projects in his or her area of expertise. The position is a regular, full-time, salaried position with salary based on individual qualifications and experience. The San Antonio office is one of five SWCA offices located in Texas. Along with local work, San Antonio teams with our Austin office on a number of projects. This position will work alongside the Austin principal...
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5739 Hits

Archaeological Field Technician - Tx

    Job Title:                     Archaeological Field Technician •Company  Name:         SWCA Environmental Consultants                 •Location:                      Austin, Texas, United States, 78749     The successful archaeological field technician candidates would become part of a dynamic central Texas cultural and environmental resources planning team that enjoys excellent relationships with a wide range of local, regional, and state agencies, as well as private and nonprofit clients. What you will accomplish: Conduct archaeological fieldwork including Phase I cultural resource survey and potentially Phase II National Register evaluative testing, Phase III data recovery, and monitoring. Use of topographic maps, aerial photographs, GPS units, and other maps and tools to carry out required job functions. Assist with mapping responsibilities in the field, including collection of GPS data using Trimble units. Experience and qualifications for success: A Bachelor's Degree in anthropology, archaeology, or a closely related field is required An accredited Field School Certification is required Experience with a wide range of field...
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6028 Hits

On Call - Cultural Resources Technician - TX

    •Job Title:                     Cultural Resources Technician •Company  Name:    SWCA Environmental Consultants                         •Location:                      San Antonio, Texas, United States, 78249          We are looking for two (2) Cultural Resources Technicians to be part of an “on-call” team to work on short-term/temporary archaeology projects in the San Antonio area. Due to the nature of the work, candidates living in the San Antonio area or immediate surrounding area will be considered. The work will include complete archaeological surveying, field testing, including shovel test pits and excavation units, data recovery, and associated field recording, including completion of field forms, digital photography and in-field mapping. Assist with archaeological office and lab work and GPS data collection in the field.  There is the opportunity to...
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6038 Hits

Archaeological Technician with SEARCH - Guam

  Archaeological Technician Guam based   SEARCH, a leading global provider of cultural resources services to government and commercial customers, is continuously seeking top talent in the cultural resource management industry.  As a full-service company, SEARCH offers an integration of our five divisions: Archaeology, Maritime Archaeology, Architectural History, History and Archives, and Heritage Design.   SEARCH has an immediate opening for full time Archaeological Technician to join our terrestrial division in support of multiple cultural resources projects located predominantly on the Island of Guam; travel may also be required, throughout the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and potentially worldwide.   This position will consist of archaeological fieldwork across variable terrain.  Additional tasks may include archaeological monitoring, historical research, preservation activities, and curation of archaeological artifacts.   Qualified candidates should possess : ·         Bachelor's degree in Archaeology, Anthropology or a related field (Master’s degree preferred) ·         At least six (6) months of archaeological field...
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7431 Hits

LA Division of Archaeology position

  The Louisiana Division of Archaeology is seeking applicants for a Job Appointment position in our Baton Rouge, Louisiana, office.  The position description and required skills and knowledge are outlined below.  This is a four year classified position with health insurance, vacation/sick leave, and retirement. The salary range is equal to the LA Civil Service Job Level TS305 ($ 24,378 – 48,568). Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience.  A B.A. in anthropology, architectural history, historic preservation, or a closely related field is required. M.A. or M.S. degrees are encouraged to apply . Field experience in archaeology or historic preservation is desirable, as is experience with the Section 106 process.  Please provide a resume and cover letter. These are not required for the state application but are helpful additional documents. This position does not include fieldwork. The primary responsibilities of this position are: ·          Maintain multiple databases associated with Section 106 correspondence, archaeological reports,...
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6895 Hits

SFbay area - Historic Archaeologist Project Director

  WSA, Inc., a highly respected Cultural Resources Management firm, has an immediate opening for a historic archaeologist to serve as a full-time Project Director in our Orinda, CA (San Francisco Bay area) office. Applicants should� have a proven background in conducting background research, Phase I, II and III fieldwork and reporting, managing and directing cultural resource projects primarily in California (San Francisco Bay Area a plus). Responsibilities will include� management of surveys, site evaluation and data recovery in support of Section 106, NEPA, and CEQA compliance; analysis for, and preparation of technical documents in support of EIRs, EISs and other environmental documents; preparation and implementation of research designs and treatment plans; technical report writing; QA/QC of staff reports; assistance in proposal preparation and client development. Candidates� must meet the Secretary of the Interior�⒠�s Qualification Standards 36 CRF 61 as an Archaeologist.�  �  Required Education/Experience: Ph.D. degree in anthropology, archaeology, historical archaeology, or related field required. Register of...
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6903 Hits

April 12th 2016 ShovelBums Field Schools Guide. [1 Attachment]

Hi Folks, There are now over 165 field schools available via . Summaries of each are below. If you have not submitted your field school yet and you want to reach over 17,000 professionals immediately post yours on ShovelBums for only $25. And if you can't swing the $25? Drop me a note and I will waive the fee. it is a terrible business model, but it is the best for your program and for your potential students. You can submit your field school using this link: Please share  this PDF or this link to the field schools  within your own social networking sphere, Anthro/ Soc Deparment mailing list/ Anthro club/etc... ShovelBums has always worked by word of mouth to get information about jobs and field schools out and your continued support is always appreciated. Working together is the only way we will all succeed. So why should you attend a field school? Attending field school is a once in a lifetime opportunity. A field school does not even have to be in your preferred area of study. A field school...
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5877 Hits

Positions Filled: TN/NC Archaeologists (Legacy Research Associates)

  Positions Filled
6843 Hits