*Field Lead and Technician positions available.* *Lead* Working collaboratively with the USFS Ruby Mountains Ranger District, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest (HTNF), the Great Basin Institute is recruiting to hire an Archaeology Crew Chief to facilitate a variety of activities relating to the district�⒠�s land management plan. As part of the analysis required by the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for undertakings on federally managed lands, a Section 106 of NHPA cultural resource investigation must be completed to evaluate effects to historic and prehistoric sites on federally managed lands. In order to complete the cultural resource reports, surveys for archaeological resources are completed for all proposed projects. A single project entitled the Overland Pass Habitat Improvement Project will be the primary focus of this scope of work. The project entails a variety of work experiences including pre-field background research, archaeological survey, site monitoring, report writing, database management and...
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