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ShovelBums Fee Change Effective April 5th 2011 - ShovelBums - World's largest source for Archaeology, Anthropology and Cultural Resource Management (CRM) Jobs and Field Schools

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ShovelBums Fee Change Effective April 5th 2011 Featured

After consulting with the users of ShovelBums I am implementing a fee change effective April 5th 2011 as detailed in this message to the 15,000+ member of ShovelBums.  The new fee for posting a job will be $100 per job advertistement/job class (this is 1/4 the price of an advertisement on Monster.com).  For example:


  • If you advertise for 20 Archaeology Field Technicians the fee is $100
  • If you advertise for 20 Archaeology Field Technicians and 3 Crew Chiefs, and 1 Principal Investigator the fee is $300.
  • "Cattle Calls" (i.e. an add that reads like "We need a bunch of field people for a lot of projects in several states this summer") will be billed on a case by case basis.  Cattle Calls are a pain to invoice properly, so please try to be as clear as possible :-)
    • Note: It is much better for you and the members to have a clear subject to your message detailing what positions you have available.  You won't be charged anything extra for splitting your advertisement into multiple postings and it makes it easier for your intended audience to see what you want AND to share your add with their personal network.


R. Joe

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