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Archaeological Technician (TEMPORARY 4-MONTH POSITION)

TITLE Archaeological Technician (TEMPORARY 4-MONTH POSITION)  ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION Now is a great time to join Redhorse Corporation. Redhorse specializes in developing and implementing creative strategies and solutions with private, state, and federal customers in the areas of cultural and environmental resources services, climate and energy change, information technology, and intelligence services. We are hiring creative, motivated, and talented people with a passion for doing what's right, what's smart, and what works.   DESCRIPTION The Archaeology Technician will work on-site at the customer’s facility at Fort Irwin, CA to provide cultural resource management, compliance, and consultation services. The candidate will augment existing customer capabilities, work in a team framework, and provide field support for Fort Irwin’s Cultural Resources Program. Primary duties include the following: Conduct surveys prior to approval of dig permit and construction requests to ensure protection of significant cultural, historical or paleontological resources Conduct off-limits archaeological site monitoring Input archaeological data across several...
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Make America Great Again...

Make America Great Again
Be careful what you wish for!

"Be cheerful, enjoy your life" Roman dining room floor mosaic tells it like it is.

"Be cheerful, enjoy your life,"
Antioch: Turkey Turkish archaeologist Demet Kara has excavated a 2,400-year-old mosaic that features a laid-back skeleton, reclining with a cup next to a bottle of wine and loaf of bread, surrounded by the wise words: "Be cheerful, enjoy your life,".  The mosaic dates to the third century B.C. The mosaic contains the quote "Be cheerful, enjoy your life" which sums up things pretty nicely.
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Prince - Purple Rain Tribute Drink

Prince - Purple Rain Tribute Drink
Celebrate the life of Prince with the ShovelBums tribute drink: Purple Rain!

Minnesota Historical Center is preparing Prince's "Purple Rain" coat for display.

Minnesota Historical Society preparing Prince's Purple Rain Coat for display
"To honor Prince's legacy in Minnesota and beyond, the Purple Rain suit in our collections will be on view at Minnesota History Center  starting tomorrow (April 23, 2016). Visitors can view the suit for free during normal museum hours, which begin at 10 am tomorrow. There will also be a space for remembrances. Extra kudos and thanks to all our staff who worked so hard to prepare the suit for viewing by the public!" MHC on Facebook   For you ‪#‎Prince‬ junkies this is pretty sweet. This is the original live recording of Purple Rain  at a benefit show from 1983 of which a lot of it made it to the album. And kind of like VH1 Pop Up Videos (that dates one a bit!) it has interesting info in the caption bar.  
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Cherokee Nation Principal Chief statement about replacing Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the $20

Harriet Tubman
A well said statement from Cherokee Nation Principal Chief regarding the U.S. Department of the Treasury's decision to remove Andrew Jackson from the front of the $20 bill and replace him with abolitionist Harriet Tubman. "Andrew Jackson defied a U.S. Supreme Court ruling and forced the removal of our Cherokee ancestors from homelands we'd occupied in the Southeast for millennia. His actions as president resulted in a genocide of Native Americans and the death of about a quarter of our people. It remains the darkest period in the Cherokee Nation’s history. Jackson's legacy was never one to be celebrated, and his image on our currency is a constant reminder of his crimes against Natives. It's been an insult to our people and to our ancestors, thousands of whom died of starvation and exposure and now lie in unmarked graves along the Trail of Tears. This is a small but meaningful vindication for them, and for our...
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R. Joe has identified the origins of the giant sphere in Bosnia and it obvious...

Massive stone sphere found in Bosnia is identified

While I respect the writings of Dr. Shaena Montanari  and her conclusion that Archaeologist Semir Osmanagich is wrong about his interpretation of his recent discovery is Bosnia "Archaeologist Semir Osmanagich, known as the “Bosnian Indian [sic] Jones”,  says a 3 meter wide stone ball found in the forest of Visoko Valley in Bosnia was made by an unknown civilization that used to live in the area over 1000 years ago, but there are many reasons to cast doubt on this outlandish claim." she has made an egregious error. This is no "Concretion", it is obviously a scale model of the Death Star.     Alternatively is might be evidence that the Real Indiana Jones was actually based in fact. (hat tip to Tom Hesser!)   http://www.forbes.com/sites/shaenamontanari/2016/04/18/that-massive-stone-sphere-in-bosnia-is-probably-not-from-a-lost-civilization/
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Indiana Jones and The Temple of The Crystal Skull Part II

Indiana Jones and The Temple of The Crystal Skull Part II
"Marshall revealed in his interview that the latest installment will be a “continuation” of the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull story."" Please God, no. That is all. http://screenrant.com/indiana-jones-5-crystal-skull-continuation/  
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March 24th 2016 ShovelBums Newsletter

Download the March 24th ShovelBums Newsletter in PDF format 150+ Field Schools now online at ShovelBums! Field Schools  Over 150 field schools are online and ready for your viewing. Summaries of each are below. If you have not submitted your field school yet and you want to reach over 17,000 professionals immediately post yours on ShovelBums for only $25. And if you can't swing the $25? Drop me a note and I will waive the fee. it is a terrible business model, but it is the best for your program and for your potential students.  You can submit your field school using this link:    Submit Your Field School Heading to Disney for the SAA's? Have as much of a blast as archaeologists can at Disney! And don't be a bunch of pretentious curmudgeons, relax, have some fun! I was hoping to be able to make it this year but just can't justify it in my...
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Discovery of the Century? Radar scans suggest up to two rooms hidden behind Tutankhamun's North and West walls.

King Tut's Tomb
Luxor, Egypt The Discovery Of The Century? I was unfortunately not able to attend the press conference today in Egypt, but Mamdouh Eldamaty, the Egyptian antiquities minister said it best about the results of the radar scans, “It could be the discovery of the century.” Eldamaty went on to describe the results of the work that Hirokatsu Watanabe, a Japanese Radar specialist conducted in November 2015. Watanabe was brought in after Nicholas Reeves, a British Egyptologist, analyzed high-resolution images of King Tut's tomb that suggested there were straight lines in the wall that had been missed by previous researchers. These lines are suggestive of the architectural methods used when sealing a room, which indicated there could be rooms beyond King Tutankhamun's tomb chamber.  These lines, previously hidden by the color and the tombs stones' texture. Is it Nefertiti? Who knows? It could very well be a temporary chamber used during the rush construction project for Mamdouh Eldamaty, the...
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Current ShovelBums Field Schools in Asia as of March 10, 2016

Asia - Mongolia - Central Mongolian Nomads Project - 2016
  Asia - China - Yangguanzhai Field School - 2016 Deadline   2016-06-01 The prehistoric village of Yangguanzhai (YGZ) dates to the Middle to Late Yangshao period (4,000-3,000 BCE), and it is one of the largest of its kind. The site is located in the Jing River Valley, approximately 25 kilometers north of the ancient city of Xi’an in northwest China. YGZ has a moat, a row of cave dwellings, subterranean houses, child urn-burials, and extensive pottery kilns. In the coming 2016 season, the project will continue working in the northeast portion of the site. There are multiple possible excavations that we will undertake including: refuse pits, a potential large building and a nearby child urn burial, and the cemetery adjacent to the settlement. In order to gain a better understanding of the overall settlement system of the region, we will also conduct survey work at the nearby Neolithic sites of Manan and Huiduipo. Asia -...
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ShovelBums Field Schools in Africa as of March, 10 2016

Africa - Egypt - Giza Plateau Mapping Project (GPMP), Egypt Archaeological Field Training - 2016 Archaeological field training at the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. This intensive five-week field-study program, takes place at the Old Kingdom settlement site of Heit el-Ghurab, as part of Ancient Egypt Research Associates' multi-disciplinary archaeological project. The program provides five academic credits awarded by the American University in Cairo. Africa - Ethiopia - Shire Field School - 2016 Deadline   2016-11-01 Located in the Shire region of Northern Ethiopia, this field school will allow students the opportunity to excavate a site which is virtually unexplored. The site, the region, and its complex cultural heritage, provide important information on the sub-Saharan counterpart of the Greco-Roman world. This societies economic base of agriculture and trade resulted in close contact with the North, and an adoption of early Christianity. The Shire Archeological Project concession comprises of extensive ancient remains dating from the prehistoric to the...
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ShovelBums 2016 Archaeology, Anthropology and Cultural Resource Management Field Schools

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ShovelBums 2016 Comprehensive Archaeology and Anthropology Field School Directory
Asia - Mongolia - Central Mongolian Nomads Project - 2016
Caribbean - Dominican Republic - ADMAT - Survey work on The 1720's Tile Wreck - 2016
Caribbean - Dominican Republic - ADMAT - Survey work to locate
Central America - Belize - Maya Research Program's 25th archaeological field season - 2016
Central America - Costa Rica - Costa Rica Tree Field Studies - 2016
Europe - Belgium - Walhain-St-Paul Project - 2016
Europe - Bulgaria -
Europe - Bulgaria -  European Archaeology in Brief: All in one pack - 2016
Europe - Bulgaria - Ancient Greek Pack - 2016
Europe - Bulgaria - Ancient Greeks in the Land of Dionysos - 2016
Europe - Bulgaria - Apollonia Pontica Excavation Project 2016
Europe - Bulgaria - Archaeology of Communism - Expedition to Communist Monuments - 2016
Europe - Bulgaria - Bresto: Digging in the time of Troy, 2016
Europe - Bulgaria - Prehistoric Pack - 2016
Europe - Bulgaria - Tell Yunatsite Excavations– Seeking Europe's First Civilization-2016
Europe - Bulgaria, Macedonia - Ancient Greek and Roman Pack - 2016
Europe - Bulgaria-Workshop for Conservation and Restoration of Ancient Greek Pottery 2016
Europe - Bulgaria/Greece  - The Inscriptions of the Roman World - 2016
Europe - Greece - Athens - IHC.Public Heritage Interpretation: Kerameikos *2016*
Europe - Ireland - The Archaeology of Ireland's Early Modern Period SKIBBEREEN - 2016
Europe - Italy - Field School in Medieval Archaeology and Bioarchaeology - 2016
Europe - Macedonia -  Workshop for Roman Mosaics and Mural Paintings - 2016
Europe - Macedonia - Stobi (the capital city of Macedonia Secunda) Excavations - 2016
Europe - Macedonia - Workshop for Conservation & Documentation of Roman Glass, 2016
Europe - Romania - Archaeology of the Roman Frontier: A Solider's Life - Transylvania 2016
Europe - Spain - Aditu Mortuary Archaeology Field School - 2016
Europe - Spain - CEPOAT (Center for the Study of the Middle East and Late Antiquity) - 2016
Europe - Spain - Menorca - Amphora & Shipwrecks in the Underwater Port of Sanitja 2016
Europe - Spain - Menorca - Dig in Sanisera & GIS applied in Archaeology - 2016
Europe - Spain - Menorca - Dig in Sanisera & GIS applied in Archaeology - 2016
Europe - Spain - Menorca - Dig in Sanisera (Spain) & Explore Archaeology in Rome - 2016
Europe - Spain - Menorca - Dig in the Roman City of Sanisera - 2016
Europe - Spain - Menorca - Digging remains and Biological Anthropology in Sanisera - 2016
Europe - Spain - Menorca - Discover art in The Louvre Museum & Dig in Sanisera - 2016
Europe - Spain - Menorca - Discover the The British Museum & Dig in Sanisera - 2016
Europe - Spain - Menorca - Explore Underwater Pompeii & Port of Sanitja - 2016
Europe - Spain - Menorca - Total Station & GIS applied in Archaeology - 2016
Europe - Spain - Menorca - Underwater archaeology in Sanitja & GIS in Archaeology - 2016
Europe - Spain - Roman Fortress Pulpon Field School in the center of Spain - 2016
Europe - Spain -Menorca - Amphora & Shipwrecks in the Underwater Port of Sanitja 2016
Europe - Sweden/Gotland - Gotland Archaeological Field School - 2016
Europe -Bulgaria-Conservation and Restoration of Ancient Pottery and Glass Pack 2016
Europe-Bulgaria-The Birth of Europe:Excavations of the Neolithic Settlement,2016
North America - Michigan - Northwestern Michigan Archaeology Field School - 2016
North America - New Mexico - Preservation Archaeology in SW New Mexico - 2016
North America - New York - Suny JCC/Allegheny Valley Project Field School - 2016
North America - North Carolina - Berry Site Field School - 2016
North America - Ohio - Johnson's Island Civil War Prison Archaeology Field School - 2016
North America - Washington - Summer on the Salish Sea - 2016
North America - Yukon Territory - Scottie Creek Borderlands Culture History Project 2016
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Skip to content Skip to main navigation Skip to first column Skip to second column     SHOVELBUMS Where your future in archaeology begins...     Home Add Your Field School View Field Schools Register Login Reset Password   Archaeology & Anthropology Field Schools Archaeology & Anthropology Field Schools Search Add Entry Region  ( 148 / 5  ) Asia / Pacific / Australia ,  Canada / North America ,  Central / South America / Caribbean / Atlantic ,  Europe / Mediterranean ,  Middle East/Africa Type  ( 119 / 17  ) Anthropology ,  Bioanthropology ,  Classical Archaeology ,  Data Visualization (3D, Animation, etc) ,  Ethnographic  ...  Africa - Egypt - Giza Plateau Mapping Project (GPMP), Egypt Archaeological Field Training - 2016 Deadline   2015-05-31 Archaeological field training at the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. This intensive five-week field-study program, takes place at the Old Kingdom settlement site of Heit el-Ghurab, as part of Ancient Egypt Research Associates' multi-disciplinary...
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2016 ShovelBums Field Schools are now online!

Sorry for the delay! I never even officially opened up ShovelBums for entries for the 2016 Field Schools and there were already 150 when I finally got around to publishing them today! Please share this link to the field schools and suggest your prof advertise your field school on ShovelBums and reach the worlds largest targeted audience of students of Archaeology, Anthropology and related disciplines! http://shovelbums.net/l/2016-field-schools     http://shovelbums.net/l/2016-field-schools
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Donald Trump Proves that there is no such thing as Intelligent Design.

Donald Trump proving that Intelligent Design is false.
Donald Trump Proves that there is no such thing as Intelligent Design.